■ Perfect for heat generators with
high volume flow rates
■ High performance
■ High flexibility
■ Quality "Made in Germany"

The powerful teamplayer
Wikora high performance tanks are especially designed for use in combination with heat pumps. They are also perfectly suited for use in combination with local heat and district heating.
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps
Standard design
Enamelling in certified quality according to DIN 4753, part 3-6
With one double helix heat exchanger, anode, sensor gauge, thermometer, plug for electric heater and flange
Can be optionally upgraded with an electric heating element or an electric heating flange respectively
Efficiency class B or C
Insulation (white, silver)
Neopor / fleece insulation (150 to 500 l) for energy efficiency class B or C
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 1500 l)
200, 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1500 l
■ Perfect for heat generators with high volume flow rates
■ Ideal for low temperature systems
■ High tap performance even at low inlet temperatures
■ High flexibility
■ 5 years warranty
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps, solar
Standard design
Enamelling in certified quality according to DIN 4753, part 3-6
With one double helix heat exchanger in the upper section, one straight-tube heat exchanger in the lower section, anode, sensor gauge, thermometer, plug for electric heater and flange
Efficiency class B or C
Insulation (white, silver)
Neopor / fleece insulation (150 to 500 l) for energy efficiency class B or C
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 1500 l)
300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1500 l
■ Perfect for heat generators with high volume flow rates in combination with solar
■ High tap performance even at low inlet temperatures
■ High flexibility
■ 5 years warranty
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps, solar (WPKR H Twin)
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps (WPK H Twin)
Standard design
Buffer tank with one solar heat exchanger in the lower section and a DHW storage tank on top incl. double helix heat exchanger, flange in front and Mg-anode (WPK H Twin without solar heat exchanger). DHW storage tank with enamelling in certified quality according to DIN 4753, part 3-6. Buffer tank internal bare, outer coating of anti-corrosion paint.
Standard design with sensor tubes, plug for thermometer and plug for electric heater.
Can be optionally upgraded with an electric heating element
Insulation (white)
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 1000 l)
600, 800, 1000 l
■ Suitable for heat pumps of up to 16 kW
■ Increased DHW comfort
■ Increased user friendliness
■ High flexibility
■ 5 years warranty
Following buffer tanks are also suited for use in combination with heat pumps:
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps
Standard design
Enamelling in certified quality according to DIN 4753, part 3-6
With anode, sensor gauge, thermometer, plug for electric heater and flange
Can be optionally upgraded with an electric heating element or an electric heating flange respectively
Efficiency class B or C
Insulation (white, silver)
Neopor / fleece insulation (150 to 500 l) for energy efficiency class B or C
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 2000 l), fleece insulation for 3000 l
150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 l
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps
Standard design
Buffer tank internal bare, outer coating of anti-corrosion paint
With sensor gauge and thermometer
Can be optionally upgraded with an electric heating element
Efficiency class B or C
Insulation (white, silver)
Neopor / fleece insulation (150 to 500 l) for energy efficiency class B or C
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 2000 l), fleece insulation for 3000 l
150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 l
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps, solar
Standard design
Buffer tank internal bare, outer coating of anti-corrosion paint
With one straight-tube heat exchanger, sensor clamp and thermometer
Can be optionally upgraded with ab electric heating element
Insulation (white, silver)
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 2000 l), fleece insulation for 3000 l
600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 l
Gas, oil, pellets, district heating, wood heating, heat pumps, solar
Standard design
Buffer tank internal bare, outer coating of anti-corrosion paint
With two straight-tube heat exchangers, sensor clamp and thermometer
Can be optionally upgraded with ab electric heating element
Insulation (white, silver)
Neopor / fleece insulation (600 to 2000 l), fleece insulation for 3000 l
600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 l
Standard design
Buffer tank internal bare, exterior primer-painted for thermal insulation
With 4 connections, sensor socket, drain and vent
Optional : flange kit up to DN 80
Insulation (silver)
25 mm thermal insulation bonded incl. PS-jacket with rosettes and cap
150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 l
Standard design
Buffer tank internal bare, exterior primer-painted for thermal insulation
With 4 connections, sensor socket, drain and vent
Additional sockets, flange kit, inspection access hatches, additional fixtures such as feed pipes, nozzle pipes and stocking plates
25 mm thermal insulation (kit)
PS-jacket with rosettes and cap
150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 l
Wikora facts